Our Horses
The most important genetic reservoir of Andalusian Horses worldwide

Carthusian Lineage
The name Carthusian is given to horses that originated from the animals from the stud farm that defined the lineage, that is, the one constituted by the Carthusian monks at the end of the 15th century. These ancient roots were linked to Jerez, Arcos de la Frontera and surrounding areas.
In January 2018 (Spanish Official Gazette (BOE-A-2018-749 núm.19) of 22nd January 2018) the Carthusian lineage was recognized as a Spanish Purebred Horse. This recognition is based on scientific evidence and it highlights a singularity that is linked to a 500-year history at Yeguada Cartuja Hierro del Bocado stud farm.
Yeguada Cartuja Hierro del Bocado stud farm is the world’s largest nucleus of Carthusian horses. References to Carthusian horses are today signified by the “Iron Bit”, the emblematic symbol of these marvelous specimens. This lineage concentrates different characteristics that distinguish them from other PREs: beauty, nobility, intelligence, easy learning and rapid reaction to the rider’s will and elegance among others.
Extraordinary genetic reservoir
The Carthusian horse is most attractive for PRE horse lovers abroad. It provides warm blood and lightness, adding distinction to the new colts. The Carthusian genetics have contributed fundamentally in other equine breeds, such as the Pure Blood Lusitano or the Hispano-Arabian horse
The breeds based on the Carthusian maternal lineages maintain this characteristic type in the PRE.
All the PRE horses that have reach a high level in sports have an important Carthusian blood supply, that makes the difference. The most immediate example is Quincallo of Indalo, the only classified PRE horse among the 15 best horses for Classical Dressage in 2022.
Success stories supporting the crossing of Carthusian breeders with other families or lineages, ensure that breeders using them have warrantied the introduction of these characters in future generations.

Free-range breeding
The Fuente del Suero estate has become the perfect habitat for the proper development of the Carthusian lineage. The stud farm has a detailed breeding and feeding programme to ensure a balanced coverage of the needs of the almost 300 animals throughout the different stages of their lives.
The farm’s agricultural base covers a total of 189 hectares. Crops are oriented towards the production of fodder to feed the farm’s livestock, favouring the integrated use of resources and thus contributing to a sustainable and circular economy.
The mares, as the cradle of the Carthusian lineage, are characterised by their nobility, beauty and humility in the pastures.
Foals remain in the pastures until they are 3 years old, expressing their full strength and the genetic and functional potential they possess in the wild.
Animal valuation
Yeguada Cartuja Hierro del Bocado follows a valuation protocol from birth until they turn 4 years of age in 5 different moments. This is done in order to encourage the early detection of quantitative and qualitative growth patterns; and to identify clinical aspects that affect their well-being.
The mares as cradle of the Carthusian lineage
Horse sale – from 3 years
A partir de los 3 años
We sell horses and mares, from 3 years of age. We offer 4 price categories according to age, morphological characteristics and dressage level:
Category A
from 20.000€
Category B
from 12.000 to 20.000€
Category C
from 6.000 to 12.000€
Category D
less than 6.000€
Information request
For further information, you may contact us by telephone +34 956 162 809, or by email yeguadacartuja@yeguadacartuja.com.
Opening office hours, Monday to Friday from 8:00 to15:30 h.